Pathfinder, scholar, and political leader, John C. Fremont and a party of four, with Kit Carson as guide, viewed Great Salt Lake and made geographical observations from this point, September 6, 1843. They later explored the nearest (now Fremont) Island. Fremont rendered valuable service in establishing the claims of the United States to the territory between the Missouri River and the Pacific Ocean through exploration trips in 1842, 43 and 45. His report and maps published in 1845 contained the first detailed information regarding this territory. This report was of great assistance to Brigham Young and the Mormon Pioneers on their journey westward in 1847.


Plaque Source: Sons of Utah Pioneers, Used with Permission



Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks Association and B. S. A. Vanguard
Troops 516 Ogden 12th Ward , “UPTLA #33,” UPTLA, accessed March 14, 2025,